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Make a difference… Stand for the Silent

Stand for the silent 1Bullying is an epidemic across around the world and social media is a preferred method that bullies like to use to wreak havoc on others. Bullying is something that is near and dear to our hearts and is something that we want to see end!

Stand for the Silent is a global movement that was started in 2010 by a group of students after they heard the story of Kirk and Laura Smalley’s son, Ty Field-Smalley. At eleven years-old, Ty took his own life after being suspended from school for retaliating against a bully that had been harassing him for over two years.

Since May 2010, Stand for the Silent has started chapters across North America and around the world and has spoken to more than 700,000 kids. Kirk and Laura Smalley met privately with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House prior to attending the first ever White House conference on bullying and their story is also featured in Director Lee Hirsch’s feature film, Bully.

At the beginning of each Stand for the Silent school presentation, student leaders read the biographies of victims of bullying who have lost their lives to suicide, as submitted by their families. Stand for the Silent honours the memory of these kids and is the first organized movement that is really taking a run at putting an end to bullying. We at Marketing Force not only donate to this cause but have joined the more than 700,000 people who are taking a stand against bullying and we ask that you do too.

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